Tag Archives: jobs

Chris Christie, Jersey-style


On Sunday, Governor Chris Christie disgraced our state once again. Stumping for his ‘good friend’ Mitt Romney, Christie goes “Jersey-style” – threatening a protestor in the crowd.

“Something may go down tonight, but it ain’t gonna be jobs, sweetheart.”

This, after threatening Iowa voters last month:

“If you don’t do what you’re supposed do to on Tuesday for Mitt Romney, I will be back. Jersey style, people, I will be back.”

Ostensibly, Christie was brought in as an example of how to create jobs. Christie claims to have created 60,000 private sector jobs in NJ. But he doesn’t tell the story about his attack on NJ public sector workers. Since Christie has taken office, NJ has lost over 25, 500 public sector jobs, including 10,000 teachers and school staff; and 2,200 police officers – not to mention the 6,000 construction jobs lost when the governor halted a major transportation infrastructure project. Is this the Christie/Romney idea of job creation? As the head of  Bain Capital, Mitt Romney destroyed thousands of jobs, while making millions for himself.

Meanwhile the two accuse President Obama of “crony capitalism.”  Yes, multimillionaire Mitt Romney who favors extending tax cuts to millionaires over extending unemployment benefits. And Chris Christie, who — as a lobbyist — helped Bernie Madoff to ensure that securities fraud would not be covered under NJ’s Consumer Fraud Act.

If that’s how Chris Christie represents New Jersey, I’d hate to see the havoc he and Mitt Romney would wreak on the country.